Urgent messages

Repairs at Dead Mans Hill

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Dead Man’s Hill, Upper Nidderdale
Thanks to a combined Trail Riders Fellowship and Green Lane Association work party consisting of twenty volunteers, maintenance and repair work was carried on both Dead Man’s Hill, UUR U936, and In Moor Lane, BOAT 15.126/15/1
The volunteers replaced a wooden gate and repaired three others. Many drainage grips were cleared of silt and rubble, this is essential to preventing water erosion on the surface of the lane.

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Water erosion and drainage management is the most frequent issue we address, the power of falling and flowing water should never be underestimated! It is amazing how much damage can be done over time.
Preventative maintenance was carried out including draining waterlogged potholes and drainage channels were reinstated to give the lane a fighting chance against the unforgiving weather.
Thanks to all who attended and helped out with the project!

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Urgent messages