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Crawshaw Lane Lancashire

After taking on the role as rep for Lancashire in April one of the first things I wanted to do was become familiar with the lanes in Lancashire, having spent most my laning days in the Peaks /Cumbria / West Yorkshire for ten years Lancashire was still unfamiliar territory.

One of the first lanes I came across was Crawshaw Lane near Burnley (SD8836-02) and found a land drain running across the lane with a gaping hole in it! Obviously it had been driven over while broke and was only going to get worse! Not only that but it was dangerous to foot and equestrian traffic.

After contacting The Green Lane Association officials about how to go about a repair day the next was setting up a meeting on site with RoW at Lancashire County Council, they were only too happy for us to take on the work and as I’m a builder by trade gave them assurance that the work was done correctly. They even agreed to supply the new pipe!

Work was done in November and we had a good 100 yard to carry any plant and 1.5 ton of stone, sand and cement! Without the help of Mark Hayes who carried everything in the back of his Discovery the job would of been twice as long! Also thanks to Ashley Nelson and Paul Nutter for helping out over the two weekends. As you can see though the end result was rewarding and in the first 6 month as rep I felt I’d put something back already.

Along with the repair work the team carried a large amount of rubbish left by fly tippers to the top of the lane ready for collection by the local authority.

Urgent messages