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Dyfed Powys Police work with the Green Lane Association

The Green Lane Association has a long standing relationship with Dyfed Powys police going back over a decade. The force will accept statements and digital imagery to assist with prosecutions, Sec59s or stern warning letters.

The Green Lane Association have also assisted with many Police operations in the force area, providing transport and assistance with mapping to assist helping to reduce illegal vehicle use in the countryside.

An example of a reporting form can be found here on the Brecon Beacons National Park website https://www.beacons-npa.gov.uk/the-authority/report-it/reporting-illegal-offroading/ please note the webpage should only be used for areas within the BBNP.

If elsewhere in Dyfed Powys simply download the statement http://www.beacons-npa.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/witness-statement.pdf form and post that to the Police.

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