Urgent messages

Old Coach Road, Cumbria

Phase 1

In 2016 Storm Desmond devastated the Lake District including the Old Coach Road near Keswick. It was a low priority for repairs, so the Green Lane Association committed £5,000 towards fixing the storm damage. The TRF also put £5,000 in the pot. An estimated further £10,000 was required and was sought elsewhere. The works were co-ordinated by local TRF member Steve Stout. Anyone who has driven Gatescarth Pass may well have met him as he’s often there checking permits

The start date for the first phase of the repairs was 14th May 2018 through to 18th May 2018. All of the paperwork was submitted to CCC Highways and the works agreed. This first phase was to clear the drainage gully running down the majority of the road edge. The spoil to be laid on the uphill side where possible or further away from the road edge so as not to build up a deeper edge than is already there at the moment.

We asked Highways for some roadworks signs for either end of the lane and posted out some signage onto the various gates explaining the works to be undertaken at this stage.

The drainage repairs were completed by Dan Birkett Construction, who are based in St John’s in the Vale and are very experienced in upland drainage repairs. All construction paperwork was done by Steven Mattinson. We made the final site visit in April to see the current situation of the road, and it hadn’t changed since the original survey was completed earlier in the year. The SSSI area was specifically highlighted to the contractor.

As of 14th May 2018, we started working all week with a digger to get the gully cleared so that water would flow off the lane surface. On the 19/20 May, we had a volunteer work party consisting jointly of the Green Lane Association, TRF and Cumbria Soaring Club members. Lots of stone was moved on the road, and good progress was made.

Phase 2

The diggers spent a further week up there later in the summer, so now there is a new surface over Hausewell Brow along with replacement culverts. It also included rebuilding the missing sections of the gully that runs the length of the lane. 

Hopefully the repairs will hold together for a long while to come.

Urgent messages